
Welcome to our page where we explain to you how we store personalized items. If you would like to store your goods, products or raw materials with us so that we can label or engrave them before delivery, we would be happy to offer you a space.
Depending on the material and quantity, different storage locations may be required. We therefore recommend that you contact us to clarify the options for storing your personalized items. Our experienced team will be happy to help you select the appropriate storage location that meets your needs.
Storing your customizable items with us offers you several advantages. On the one hand, we can label or engrave the items directly on site, which saves time and costs and offers you a fast and efficient service. On the other hand, we can keep your items safe and secure until they are ready for shipping. In addition, you have access to your items at any time and can quickly retrieve them when needed.
To ensure that your customizable items remain in perfect condition during storage, we ensure that storage conditions are optimal. We regularly check the temperature and humidity to ensure items are protected from moisture and mold. We also use specialist storage racks and packaging materials to ensure your items are safe and protected.
Overall, storing your personalized items with us offers many advantages. Contact us to learn more about our storage options and to ensure your customizable items are stored safely and efficiently.